Reception tours available.

Breakfast Club

Breakfast Club 

We are committed to supporting the needs of both our children and parents by offering comprehensive before and after-school care. Our programmes are designed to create a seamless extension of the school day, ensuring your child's safety, enrichment, and well-being.

Breakfast Club is available for Reception children to Year 6.

The importance of breakfast

You’ve probably heard the adage 'breakfast is the most important meal of the day.'

This is especially so for children.

Choosing breakfast foods that are rich in whole grains, fiber, and protein while low in added sugar may boost kids' attention span, concentration, and memory -  which they need to learn in school.

Research shows that breakfast can give children a mental edge. By eating a good breakfast, blood sugar levels are kept steady. 

Kids who eat breakfast are more likely to get fiber, calcium, and other important nutrients.

If you require Breakfast Club then call us please book your place by calling the school office.